Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Originally posted February 17, 2009

So, I found out today that one of my favorite teachers from High School and Jr. High passed away today. He was kind of a pain in the ass, but when you are constantly being harassed by 13-17 year-old... who wouldn't be? We teased the man relentlessly and our scienceclass dubbed him Melvin... to this day I don't know if that was his real middle name. I can say that he taught me a lot of things. He was there when I first decided I wanted nothing to do with the health field when I started disecting a worm (the first project) He moderated our group therepy sessions. We talked about a lot of really sensitive subjects and he encouraged me to live up to my potential. I was going through a really hard time with my health and nearly everyday he would ask me how I was doing and praised my accomplishments.
It makes me think of people who come and go, why things happen, and to whom they happen to... this was a day just like everyother day for me and for him. We both got up and got ready like we do everyday... we both got into our cars and headed to school just like we do every other day but I made it to school and he didn't. That could have just as easily been me, my husband, my mom, my proffessor, my neighbor... anyone. Makes you think huh?
I think about the 10 minutes prior to Kaleb's birth. I was all smiles. Everything was going perfect and in a matter of minutes I almost lost my baby and could have potentially lost my life. 10 minutes. I wonder if that were my last 10 minutes on this earth what I would have done... would you want to know the end is coming or leave suddenly. Would there be any unanswered questions, unfinished business, things left unsaid? It's sad that something like this make me think of being a better mother, daughter, wife, and friend...

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